F.L.A.G. Fake IDs

Download your FREE copy of our "F.L.A.G. Fake IDs" TODAY!

Download our free PDF poster on how to identify a fake ID as well as the common mistakes. Use this in your store to communicate with your employees to ensure you do not become a victim to someone else’s crime.

LUCK is what happens when


Be Safe and be Profitable.

Please enter the details below to download your *FREE* copy.



Security Programs

Such programs provide you with a sustainable security strategy for your company. Topics covered include: video surveillance design, access control protocols, safe & vault storage policies, internal diversion prevention, employee safety and overview of security policies & procedures.


Equipment Consulting

Purchasing security equipment without knowledge on the latest technology or market prices can increase the risk of being charged a higher amount for the same equipment. Having a specialist work on your behalf like a general contractor would, can not only have a cost-saving effect on your operation but also assure that it is installed correctly and in compliance with insurance.​


Security Floorplan Design

A well designed security floorplan looks at all the different angles that a business can protect itself from external and internal threats. It not only considers the equipment that needs to be used but most importantly how it needs to be placed providing adequate coverage.​


Site Assessment

On-site security assessments are beneficial regardless if you are in the early stages of building your store or already have an established business. A trained security expert reviews your current and/or potential security and safety risk exposures and gives you the tools to address them. Such as security equipment needed or implementing certain policies & procedures. 


Theft Investigation

Internal theft can be a deceiving factor in profit loss. Misplaced trust leaves a business vulnerable to continuous losses. An expert that knows where to look and what to look for can uncover leaks that you were not aware of. 


Talent Assessment

Employees are your number one asset. By learning what types of jobs employees will likely excel at, what their drives and needs are, and how best to manage and communicate with them, you can increase job satisfaction, reduce employee turnover and help in the success of your business. ​


Policy & Procedures

Policies and procedures have a big impact in the flow of a business. Policies dictate what needs to be done while procedures show the process. Together they create not only a safe and profitable environment but foster a culture of honesty and accountability.​


Continuous Training

Developing a culture of safety and integrity takes time. Educating your staff on programs such as armed robbery and checks and balances sustains the company culture as future employees join the organization.  ​